Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that
grows in a boll, or protective capsule, around the seeds of cotton plants
of the genus Gossypium. The fiber is almost pure cellulose. Under
natural condition, the cotton balls will tend to increase the dispersion of the
fiber is most often spun into yarn or thread and used to make a soft,
breathable textile. The use of cotton for fabric is known to date to
prehistoric times; fragments of cotton fabric dated from 5000 BC have been
excavated in Mexico and the Indus Valley Civilization (modern day Pakistan).
Although cultivated since antiquity, it was the invention of the cotton
gin that so lowered the cost of production that led to its widespread use,
and it is the most widely used natural fiber cloth in clothing today.
estimates for world production are about 25 million tonnes annually,
accounting for 2.5% of the world's arable land. China is the world's largest
producer of cotton, but most of this is used domestically. The United States
has been the largest exporter for many years.
Types of Cotton Fibre:
are four commercially-grown species of cotton, all domesticated in antiquity:
Gossypium hirsutum – upland cotton,
native to Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean and southern Florida, (90% of
world production)
Gossypium barbadense – known as
extra-long staple cotton, native to tropical South America (8% of world
Gossypium arboreum – tree cotton,
native to India and Pakistan (less than 44%)
Gossypium herbaceum – Levant cotton,
native to southern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula (less than 2%)
Cotton Consumption & Production in
million Tons in year 2002:
graph bellow shows Production and consumption of leading cotton producing
countries in Millions of tones in year 2002.
Today, cotton is grown in more than 80 countries worldwide. The Distribution of cotton is shown in the bellow Map:
Characteristics of Cotton:
as a natural cellulosic fiber, has a lot of characteristics, such as;
Soft hand
f) Dry-cleanable
g) Good strength
h) Drapes well
i) Easy to handle and sew
End Uses of Cotton:
End Uses of Cotton:
- Wide range of wearing apparel: blouses, shirts, dresses, childrenswear,
active wear, separates, swimwear, suits, jackets, skirts, pants, sweaters,
hosiery, neckwear.
Fashion - curtains, draperies, bedspreads, comforters, throws, sheets, towels,
table cloths, table mats, napkins.
Structure & Properties of Cotton Fibre:
Fibre Structure &
botanical name of American Upland cotton is Gossypium Hirsutum and
has been developed from cottons of Central America. Upland varieties
represent approximately 97% of U.S. production.
Each cotton fiber is composed of concentric layers. The cuticle layer on the fiber itself is separable from the fiber and consists of wax and pectin materials. The primary wall, the most peripheral layer of the fiber, is composed of cellulosic crystalline fibrils. The secondary wall of the fiber consists of three distinct layers. All three layers of the secondary wall include closely packed parallel fibrils with spiral winding of 25-35o and represent the majority of cellulose within the fiber. The innermost part of cotton fiber- the lumen- is composed of the remains of the cell contents. Before boll opening, the lumen is filled with liquid containing the cell nucleus and protoplasm. The twists and convolutions of the dried fiber are due to the removal of this liquid. The cross section of the fiber is bean-shaped, swelling almost round when moisture absorption takes place.
overall contents are broken down into the following components.
Raw Cotton Components:
0.5 -
and fats
0 -
4 -
and pectin’s
1 -
scouring (treatment of the fiber with caustic soda), natural waxes and fats in
the fiber are saponified and pectin’s and other non-cellulose materials are
released, so that the impurities can be removed by just rinsing away. After
scouring, a bleaching solution (consisting of a stabilized oxidizing agent)
interacts with the fiber and the natural color is removed. Bleaching takes
place at elevated temperature for a fixed period of time. Mercerization is
another process of improving sorption properties of cotton. Cotton fiber is
immersed into 18- 25% solution of sodium hydroxide often under tension. The
fiber obtains better luster and sorption during mercerization.
scouring and bleaching, the fiber is 99% cellulose. Cellulose is a polymer consisting
of anhydroglucose units connected with 1,4 oxygen bridges in the beta position.
The hydroxyl groups on the cellulose units enable hydrogen bonding between two
adjacent polymer chains. The degree of polymerization of cotton is 9,000-15,000.
Cellulose shows approximately 66% crystallinity, which can be determined by
X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and density methods.
crystal unit consists of five chains of anhydroglucose units, parallel to the
fibril axis. One chain is located at each of the corners of the cell and one
runs through the center of the cell. The dimensions of the cell are a =
0.835nm, b = 1.03 nm and c = 0.79 nm. The angle between ab and BC planes is 84º
for normal cellulose, i.e., Cellulose I .
Repeat Unit of Cellulose:
current consensus regarding cellulose crystallinity (X-ray diffraction) is that
fibers are essentially 100% crystalline and that very small crystalline units
imperfectly packed together cause the observed disorder.
density method used to determine cellulose crystallinity is based on the
density gradient column, where two solvents of different densities are
partially mixed. Degree of Crystallinity is, then, determined from the density
of the sample, while densities of crystalline and amorphous cellulose forms are
known (1.505 and 1.556 respectively). Orientation of untreated cotton fiber is
poor because the crystallites are contained in the micro fibrils of the
secondary wall, oriented in the steep spiral (25-30o) to the fiber axis.
Physical Properties of Cotton:
length is described as "the average length of the longer one-half of the
fibers (upper half mean length)" This measure is taken by scanning a
"beard " of parallel fibers through a sensing region. The beard is
formed from the fibers taken from the sample, clasped in a holding clamp and
combed to align the fibers. Typical lengths of Upland cottons might range from
0.79 to 1.36in.
come from the cotton plant; the longer strand types such as Pima or Sea Island produce
the finest types of cotton fabrics.
uniformity or uniformity ratio is determined as " a ratio between the mean
length and the upper half mean length of the fibers and is expressed as a
percentage". Typical comparisons are illustrated below.
uniformity index shows that there might be a high content of short fibers,
which lowers the quality of the future textile product.
strength is measured in grams per denier. It is determined as the force
necessary to break the beard of fibers, clamped in two sets of jaws, (1/8 inch
apart) . Typical tensile levels are illustrated. The breaking strength of
cotton is about 3.0~4.9 g/denier, and the breaking elongation is about 8~10%.
STRENGTH [g/tex]
measurements reflect fiber fineness and maturity. A constant mass (2.34 grams)
of cotton fibers is compressed into a space of known volume and air
permeability measurements of this compressed sample are taken. These, when
converted to appropriate number, denote Micronaire values.
Base Range
Discount Range
of Cotton
color of cotton samples is determined from two parameters: degree of
reflectance (Rd) and yellowness (+b). Degree of reflectance shows the
brightness of the sample and yellowness depicts the degree of cotton
pigmentation. A defined area located in a Nickerson-Hunter cotton colorimeter
diagram represents each color code. The color of the fibers is affected by
climatic conditions, impact of insects and fungi, type of soil, storage
conditions etc. There is five recognized groups of color: white, gray, spotted,
tinged, and yellow stained. As the color of cotton deteriorates, the process
ability of the fibers decreases.
Work at
the University of Tennessee has led to color measurement
using both a spectrometer CIE-based average color measurement and a color uniformity
measurement using image analysis to improve the accuracy and provide additional
measurement for color grading [19]. Later the investigators developed two color
grading systems using expert system and neural networks.
A trash
measurement describes the amount of non-lint materials (such as parts of cotton
plant) in the fiber. Trash content is assessed from scanning the cotton sample
surface with a video camera and calculating the percentage of the surface area
occupied by trash particles. The values of trash content should be within the
range from 0 to 1.6%. Trash content is highly correlated to leaf grade of the
grade is provided visually as the amount of cotton plant particles within the
sample. There are seven leaf grades (#1-#7) and one below grade (#8).
is the classer's interpretation of fiber process ability in terms of degree of
roughness or smoothness of ginned cotton.
matter is all the material in the sample other than fiber and leaf. The classer
either as “light” or “heavy” determines the degree of extraneous matter.
A nep
is a small tangled fiber knot often caused by processing. Neps can be measured
by the AFIS nep tester and reported as the total number of neps per 0.5 grams
of the fiber and average size in millimeters. Nep formation reflects the
mechanical processing stage, especially from the point of view of the quality
and condition of the machinery used.
Chemical Properties of Cotton:
swells in a high humidity environment, in water and in concentrated solutions
of certain acids, salts and bases. The swelling effect is usually attributed to
the sorption of highly hydrated ions. The moisture regain for cotton is about
7.1~8.5% and the moisture absorption is 7~8%.
is attacked by hot dilute or cold concentrated acid solutions. Acid hydrolysis
of cellulose produces hydro-celluloses. Cold weak acids do not affect it. The
fibers show excellent resistance to alkalis. There are a few other solvents
that will dissolve cotton completely. One of them is a copper complex of
cupramonium hydroxide and cupriethylene diamine (Schweitzer's reagent).
degradation is usually attributed to oxidation, hydrolysis or both. Oxidation
of cellulose can lead to two types of so-called oxy-cellulose, depending on the
environment, in which the oxidation takes place.
Formula or Equation: Oxy-Cellulose:
cotton can degrade by exposure to visible and ultraviolet light, especially in
the presence of high temperatures around 250~397° C [20] and humidity.
Cotton fibers are extremely susceptible to any biological degradation
(microorganisms, fungi etc.)
Properties of Cotton:
fibers show double refraction when observed in polarized light. Even though
various effects can be observed, second order yellow and second order blue is
characteristic colors of cellulosic fibers. [10] A typical birefringence value
as shown in the table of physical properties, is 0.047.
classification is used to determine the quality of the cotton fiber in terms of
grade, length and Micronaire. USDA classification specifically identifies the
characteristics of fiber length, length uniformity, strength, Micronaire,
color, preparation, leaf and extraneous matter. In the past, these qualities
were classified just by hand-and-eye of an experienced classer. Since 1991, all
classification has been carried out with a set of up-to-date instruments,
called "HVI"(High Volume Instrumentation) classification. However,
measuring techniques of other qualities of cotton fiber, such as fiber maturity
and short fiber content, are also being developed.
in non-wovwns:
is the most important apparel fiber throughout the world. It is a fiber that
was used fairly extensively during the early, developmental period of the
Nonwovens business primarily because the emerging dry-laid producers came from
the textile industry and had an intimate knowledge of cotton and its processing
characteristics [25].It was in the early part of 20th Century that a few cotton
mills in the US wanted to find ways to upgrade the waste cotton fibers into
saleable products. The first method used was bonding the short cotton fibers
(fiber waste) with latex and resin. These products were used mainly as
industrial wipes. After World War II, products like draperies, tablecloths,
napkins and wiping towels were developed. It was realized that woven fabrics
have much better properties than Nonwovens; so, the approach was to claim the
market where superior qualities of woven or knit fabrics were not essential but
where qualities better than those of paper were needed. As the quality requirements
for nonwoven fabrics increased and particularly as the need for white, clean
fabric emerged; the use of raw cotton became unacceptable and was abandoned by
the industry except for a few isolated product areas. Within the last decade,
bleached cotton fiber suitable for processing on conventional nonwoven
equipment has become available and has substantially increased interest in this
fiber. This is particularly true in medical and healthcare applications, wiping
and wiper markets, and some apparel markets. The raw cotton consists of about
96% cellulose and 4% of waxes, pectin, and other pertinacious and plant
material. These minor constituents that must be removed in the scouring and
bleaching process to give the soft, clean, white, absorbent fiber that is
satisfactory for the nonwovens industry after the application of an appropriate
finishing oil. The fiber length of cotton is important, particularly as to its
process ability. Longer staple cotton (0.75 in. to 1.25 in.) is satisfactory
for nonwoven production. The fiber has excellent absorbency and feels
comfortable against the skin. It has fairly good strength both wet and dry, and
has moderate dimensional stability and elastic recovery. But the resilience of
cotton is relatively low, unless it is cross-linked by a chemical treatment. In
nonwoven applications, the purity and absorbency of bleached cotton are
utilized in growing medical and healthcare applications. The spun lace process
usually produces such fabrics. For similar reasons, cotton spun lace fabrics
are well accepted in personal and related wipes, especially in Japan and
the ASIAN region. In a sense, bleached cotton fiber for nonwoven application is
a relatively new fiber. It is a comparatively expensive fiber and available
from only a few sources. Consequently, its use still is restricted to
specialized applications. This situation is likely to change in the future as
the price is further reduced and availability increased.
Fibre Processing:
30% of world cotton machines harvest production Australia, Israel and USA are
the only countries where all cottons are picked by machines. Fifteen percent of
world cotton production is ginned on roller gins and almost all rest of cotton
is saw ginned in most countries.Cotton fibers in non-wovens are generally used
in their bleached form. A lot of research and development has taken place for
the efficient production of bleached fibers. The Kier bleaching process
produces most of the bleached cotton fibers. Since cotton of lesser grades is
useful for non-wovens, a conventional cleaning system does not suffice. This
might include a coarse wire carding, called Cotton Master Cleaners, for
cleaning the cotton.
conventional bleaching method for cottons meant for non-wovens is a 9 step
process are:
Fiber opening and cleaning
b) Alkali scouring application
c) Alkali reaction stage
d) Rinsing
e) Bleach application
f) Bleach reaction stage
g) Rinsing
h) Finish application
i) Drying
b) Alkali scouring application
c) Alkali reaction stage
d) Rinsing
e) Bleach application
f) Bleach reaction stage
g) Rinsing
h) Finish application
i) Drying
continuous textile processing system and method have been disclosed recently
for producing a nonwoven web containing bleached cotton fibers in a single line
system which includes a supply of fibers such as a bale opening device, The
final nonwoven web consisting of bleached cotton fibers may be made into highly
purified and absorbent wipes, pads, and other articles for medical, industrial,
or domestic use.
there is opening and bale formation.
Incorporated patented a processing line, which promised better
productivity and quality. It consists of:
Fiber opening and Cleaning
b) Formation of web
c) Steam purging and Alkali impregnation onto the sandwiched cotton web between 2 porous conveyors.
b) Formation of web
c) Steam purging and Alkali impregnation onto the sandwiched cotton web between 2 porous conveyors.
After reaction, a pressure squeezing operation.
e) Similar processes for bleaching and then finishing.
e) Similar processes for bleaching and then finishing.
recent system for scouring a bleaching of cotton fiber is the Continuous Wet
Finishing Technique' patented by Lawrence Girard and Walter E Meyer and
assigned to Greenville Machinery Corporation. It consists of:
a) Opening and Cleaning
b) Conversion of fibers into a bat, weighing 10-30 ounces/sq. yard, by Needle punching or
Air-lay technique.
c) Scouring
d) Bleaching
e) Finishing
f) Washing
g) Drying
h) Fiber opening
a) Opening and Cleaning
b) Conversion of fibers into a bat, weighing 10-30 ounces/sq. yard, by Needle punching or
Air-lay technique.
c) Scouring
d) Bleaching
e) Finishing
f) Washing
g) Drying
h) Fiber opening
of Continuous Finishing Techniques are:
a) Uniformity of scouring and bleaching
b) Uniformity of finish application
c) Shorter time in process for the materials
d) Lower water consumption and less effluent for treatment
e) The ability to provide additional chemical treatments to the cotton.
Cost of Producing Cotton:
international cotton advisory committee (ICAC) undertakes a survey of the cost
of the production of cotton every three years based on the data from 31
countries. [16] Several factors are considered, such as land rent, fertilizers,
insect control, irrigation, harvesting and ginning. The cost of seed cotton is
more than $500 in USA to produce one hectare of seed cotton. The net
cost of producing lint from one hectare (the value of seed and land rent were
excluded from the total cost) is highest in Australia (US$1,056)
followed by the USA (US$889), Pakistan (US$814), Zimbabwe (US$426)
and China (US$416). It is most expensive to produce a kilogram of
lint in the USA (US$1.20), Australia (US$0.75) and china
Web Processing of Cotton:
fibers are used in the manufacture of nonwovens either alone or in a blend. The
various processes for the manufacture of non-wovens are:
method of bonding provides strength to the Nonwovens, comparable to woven
fabric of the same basis weight. This method yields high strength without
interfering with the absorbency, tensile strength and aesthetic properties of
cotton. This type of nonwovens can be wet processed like the conventional woven
textiles for bleaching, dyeing and finishing. To manufacture soft loose
nonwovens, partially entangled webs are produced by subjecting cotton webs to
low water jet pressures (approx. 300-500 psi). These types of webs can be wet
processed in a pad/batch state. The limitations of this process are that
production has been limited to fiber blends because of problems in recycling
water and the quality of bleached cotton.
punched cotton provides highly efficient filter media based on the irregular
fiber shape and absorption properties. Increased tenacity in the wet condition
can be an important advantage for cotton filters. To build strength, scrim
materials can be used as in bed blankets and industrial fabrics. Needles of
36-42 gauges have been found appropriate for the production of cotton needle
punched nonwovens. For very heavy fabrics, use is made of gauge 32 and for
finer fabrics 40-42 gauge needles are being used.
In this
process cotton webs with blends of thermoplastic fibers are passed between 2
hot rollers (Calendar rollers). The thermoplastic fiber softens/melts and bonds
the web. The initial work was done with polyester as the thermoplastic fiber.
Later polypropylene was extended for the study because of economics, density
and melting temperature considerations. This was mainly to study the
application as a diaper lining material. Substantial work is still being done
to develop this type of nonwovens.
Bonding Systems:
the web with a resin or other adhesive material.
off of the web with adhesive, which bonds the fibers together at regular
bonding: cotton web is stitched like in sewing and the product performance
depends on web weight, stitch/inch and type of sewing thread.
Application of cotton in Non-wovens:
nonwovens are used as swabs, puffs, wipes, filters, weddings, personal care
products like in diapers & feminine hygiene products, semi-durable segments
like bedding, household furnishing, pillow fillers, etc.
Recent Reserch:
instrumentation to measure cotton contamination.
linters to replace the traditional 100% wood pulp fibers for producing
absorbent cores for disposable diapers and famine pads.
quality measurements of small sample cotton are being developed.
is being blended with kenaf fibers to improve the softness and hand.
Technologies has developed 100% natural cotton for tampon manufacture.
analysis is developed for cotton trash classification.
method to improve the dyeability of cotton with reactive dyes.
Recent Development of Cotton:
fiber is dyed with chemical dyes in order to get wide range of colors. These
chemical dyes and their finishing demands large amount of water in turn when
these water is disposed they cause soil and water pollution. Many dyes are of
chemical origin; particularly the azure ones and these are not environment
friendly. Hence many countries, including India, have prohibited use of
these dyes.
negative effects of dyeing can be reduced by naturally colored cotton. This
colored cotton is developed by gene transplantation. Crossing the genes
from wild cotton varieties with the cultivated white ones develops this colored
cotton. The research is being conducted at The University of Agricultural
Sciences (UAS), Dharwad Karnataka India, to promote the cultivation of
natural colored cotton. The colors that have been developed are
White, Orange, Red, Yellow, Green, Purple, Brown, Blue, And Black. These
negative effects of dyeing can be avoided by extensive research and growth of
colored cotton.
requires severe pesticide in order to combat numerous pests after some years of
use of pesticide by farmers these pests develop resistance to Particular
pesticide. This resistance force farmers to use more amounts of pesticides. BT
Cotton is developed by transgenic technique of implanting Bacillus Thuringiens
bacterial gene in to cottonseeds, which makes the cotton plant and seeds
resistant to majority of pests including bollworm(A. Lepidoptera), Tobacco
budworm (Heliothis virescens). Bt cotton is now one of the most widely used
transgenic crops. It is currently grown throughout the United States. More
than 2 million acres of Bt cotton are grown in the United States alone.
Other countries include China, India, and Australia. According to Dept. of
Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona. Bt cotton
planted from 1996 to 1998 is estimated to have yielded 5% more on average than
if traditional and decreased the quantity of foliar spray.
Future Trends:
world's cotton fiber production is approximately 89 million bales [6]. In 1997,
a production forecast [6] shows that the U.S. is the largest cotton producer
(18.4 million bales), followed by China (17.5 million bales), India (12.8
million bales), Pakistan (8.0 million bales) and the former U. S. S. R.
republics (7.7 million bales). Other important cotton producers are Australia,
Egypt, Turkey, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Greece and Mexico. The highest
cotton consumption is attributed to China (21.2 million bales), India (12.9
million bales) and U.S. (11.3 million bales).
Supplies: The world production will
increase a little bit. The 1998 U.S cotton crop is best described as a disaster
due to cool wet spring in the west and inadequate rainfall in the southeast.
Consumption: World cotton
consumption is lagging a bit behind production. After a surge in the mid-1980s,
world cotton consumption has been rather flat. But the long term potential for
cotton demand remains large.
cotton plantings for 1999 are expected to total 14.6 million acres, 9 percent
above 1998, and 5 percent greater than 1997. Upland cotton is expected to total
14.2 million acres, up 9 percent from last year. Growers planted 318,200 acres
of American-Pima cotton. This is a 3% decrease from last year's number, but 27%
higher than the acreage of 2 years ago. Planting in Georgia started extremely
slow due to a severely dry spring, but by June 1 was nearly on pace with
average. Conversely, Texas experienced a near normal planting season although
some replanting was necessary due to wind and hail damage.
Graph of World cotton area/World cotton
yields/World cotton production/World cotton consumption Graph of Cotton Prices
nonwovens can be recycled, re-used or disposed off by natural degradation
conditions. Cotton is a readily renewable resource with long-term supply
assurance. Extensive research works is improving bleached fiber quality and
quantity. Nonwoven industries are producing various types of nonwovens with
different manufacturing techniques, for better production. Cotton share of the
textile fiber market has been steadily increasing and will continue to increase
as cotton-containing items is preferred by the consumers.
1 comment:
Very good information compile.d
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