Textile Floor│Fabric consumption formula for t-shirt

For making garments we musy know about how much fabric is required to produce. besides proper required fabric calculation will save from loss. So only efficient consumption can be the reason of cost saving at a great amount. Here below discuss about how to calculate the required fabric for T-shirt making...

Fabric Consumption for T-Shirt:

Consumption (Kg/ Doz) =Textile Floor │Fabric Consumption formula, fabric consumption formula for t-shirt, for knitting garments

L (Length) = HPS (High Point Shoulder)
                  = CBL (Central Back length)
                  = BL (Body Length)
S.L          = Sleeve Length

This is actually sewing allowance in length wise of a garment.
For T-Shirt,          Bottom Hem   = 2.5-3 Cm
                             Shoulder Join = 1.5 Cm
                             Sleeve  Hem  = 2.5- 3 Cm
                             Sleeve Join    = 1.5 cm
                             Sub Total       = 9 cm
                              In Hand         = 1 cm
                             Grand Total   =10 cm
Per Cut and Sewn allowance = 2 cm
Note: Pocket, Half moon, double layer bottom hem, and double layer sleeve s/b calculated on lengthwise.

This is sewing allowance in width wise of garment
a.     Side Seam = ½ Chest + 3cm
b.     Tube Seam= ½ Chest + 0 cm
c.      Per cut and sewn allowance= 2 cm

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